Should We Build a Jupiter Brain?

Jupiter Brain, A hypothetical megastructure, capable of about 1042 computations per second. This hypothetical megastructure with the mass of our biggest galactic sister was first proposed by Robert J. Bradbury in 1997.

Why would we ever need such a galactic giant?

Bill Gates may or may not have said: "640K ought to be enough for anybody.", These days 16 Gigs of Ram is barely enough. And that's just Ram, Compute Units have come a long way since 1981.

My opinion of a perfect computer would be the machine that computes the most, the fastest.

According to this definition, a Jupiter Brain would be the "Perfect Computer" that could be built using the resources available in our Solar System.

Such a machine would help us in almost every aspect of life. Hell, it can even simulate life as we know it.

Yes! You read it right. Such a machine will be capable to simulate multiple realities, just like in the Matrix. It would much likely be powered by Nuclear Reactors and not human brains as batteries, by the way, is a very inefficient way of generating energy.

So, Should you build a Jupiter Brain?

The age-old tale of AI's destroying humanity and taking over the planet is, of course, a possibility.

However, Let look at this question from a different angle.

The Human Brain can do about 1016 Operations/Second and about a 100 Billion human's have ever lived. With an average life span of humans at 50 Years. This gives us a total of 1036 Operations.
This is the total amount of neural activity of every human that has ever lived.

This means or shall I say this might mean such a machine which is capable of at least 1042 operations per second can simulate the consciousness of every human to have ever lived in less than 2 microseconds. And it also means, it can simulate the consciousness of every human currently living on the planet virtually billions of times in a fraction of a second.

Would you want to live in such a Matrix? Then why should they? 

Imagination aside, could we build such a hyper-intelligent super object in outer space?

The short answer would be, not at the moment.

The long answer is, It is completely possible to create such a megastructure. However, we will need to purge and harvest every bit of resource available from every Planet, Asteroid and Comet we could find in our Solar System.

Look at the bright side! We don't have to worry about some asteroid putting a hole in the shiny new ball of Machine Brain.

We will need to leave the Sun alone, as we will need most of the energy from the sun to power this monster of a machine. The Sun's energy could be harvested using a Dyson Sphere, that's an entirely different topic. 

It is also possible that humans would be living on the Dyson Sphere and Jupiter Brain itself will be powered with fusion reactors.


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